LCI hit the headlines by adding a large dose of Christmas Magic to Britain’s unlikeliest tourist attraction.
The long plastic tunnel in a Sainsbury’s car park in Cornwall, achieved national fame back in September 2018, when it was listed on Trip Advisor as a place to visit in Bude. Sainsbury’s decided to give the ‘attraction’ a festive makeover.
LCI were thrilled to get involved. We were asked to makeover the tunnel by the lovely people at Theme Traders who were adding their own special touches to the tunnel.
We installed thirty thousand lights and pixel mapped them to create the stunning effects that delighted the people of Bude and once it went viral, the entire UK. The project was organised by the Sainsbury’s marketing agency Gravity Road …. @gravity_road, @themetraders, #budetunnel, #visitorattractions

Bude Tunnel became the top trending attraction in the UK in winter 2018, a local couple found it so special that there was even a marriage proposal in the tunnel. Bude Tunnel featured in all leading UK Newspapers as well as on BBC and ITV. It also featured on the topical comedy TV programme ‘Have I Got News For You’.