Engage your audience by transforming their reality with AR.
The possibilities of Augmented Reality are fast developing as both software and hardware develop to increase the options.
The great advantage of AR over VR is that you can truly share the experience with your friends, family or colleagues, as it is overlaid on the real world, in real time. The use of AR will become increasingly common place in enhanced real-world experiences for Attractions, Museums and Theme Parks, as well as in gaming and collaborative work experiences.
If you are considering AR as part of your Brand Experience, Attraction, Museum Exhibit or Promotion, please get in touch. The LCI team can look at the feasibility of your idea, and design and develop a solution for you.

A large display that can overlay Augmented Reality creatures or characters with your guests can be immensely powerful in engaging the audience and providing an amazing shareable moment. You may also choose to develop an App to enhance the experience of your guest. This could be a full gaming experience at your attraction or adding virtual signage to your heritage site.

Whatever the concept the LCI team will help develop your AR solution and make the process as smooth as possible. Whether it takes the form of a museum design, as a standalone attraction or as part of a larger promotion, we are ready to help.

The concept will be developed by the LCI Studio, which when approved will be delivered by animation and programming teams, with hardware delivered by LCI engineers. Our design will also encompass any necessary works needed at your site, which might be delivered by LCI or your local contractor, with oversite by LCI. Your AR system will be installed and commissioned by LCI engineers, after which final adjustment will be made in readiness for your audience or guests.
All of our systems will feature remote diagnostics and we will be providing support and training of your staff as required.
Please get in touch so we can help deliver your Augmented Reality experience.